Page 44
Sword Glossary part1
Boshi: The temperline in the point of the blade.
Choji Oil: Oil of cloves, used for swords. Not u.s.p. oil of cloves.
Daisho: Long and short swords, a pair.
Daito: The long sword of the Daisho pair, 24 inches or longer (Katana).
Dolmen: Ancient Japanese burial mounds.
Fuchi: foremost band on sword handle.
Gin Same: Embossed silver same.
Ha: The cutting edge of the sword.
Habaki: The sword collar in front of the tsuba.
Ha Machi: The notch on the cutting edge near the handle.
Hitsu: A hole in the tsuba which accommodates the Kogai and Kogatan.
Hamon: The temperature of the sword, also called Yakiba, fired edge.
Honami: A sword appraiser. A family line of sword appraisers.
Jigane: The body of the sword between the shinogi and the Hamon.
Kashira: Pommel cap or top grip fitting, opposite end of the Fuchi.
Kata Kiri: Blade with a chisel edge.
Katana: Long sword, blade over 24½" inches.
Katanakake: A sword stand.
Kiri: The tip end of the tang.
Koto: Old Sword, a blade that pre-dates the year 1596.
Kogai: A skewer device, usually found in conjunction with the Kogatana.
Kogatana: A small utility knife.
Ken: Old style of double edged blade, predating the Koto blade.
Machi: Notch on the back or on the cutting edge of a sword.
Menuki: Small metal device found under the wrap of a sword handle.
Mune: The back ridge of the blade.